SILVIE BOMHARD is an illustrator and graphic designer living in Berlin. She works on illustrations which intended to charm and create joy. Silvie has a particular love for coloured pens, watercolours and ice cream. After spending some years working in agencies and editorial offices, she now explores concepts with a holistic, multidisciplinary way of thinking. She is best known for her passion project love.kram on Instagram, where she illustrates and publishes everyday conversations and drawing tutorials.
selected clients arsEdition, byodo, Coppenrath Verlag, ChariTea, Cosmopolitan, Dr. Hauschka, Elbphilharmonie Magazin, Goethe Institut, Hey Now, Industrie- und Handelskammer, Montblanc, Pattloch, Primavera, Prime Video, Squared Online, Tüv Nord, Vertikom Influence, War Child Deutschland
representing SILVIE BOMHARD